Sunday, August 9, 2009


(A poem dedicated to JSS3A & SS1 by JSS2A students of Darul Arkam College, Kano, Nigeria )

For the jokes we have shared together,
We laughed, we played, and we fought.
And now you are leaving, farewell we say.

For the time we have spent together,
Chatting, clapping, hugging, and smiling.
And now you are leaving, farewell we say.

We are on intimate terms, our neighbours.
We have shared some secrets together,
And now you are leaving, farewell we say.

For the tears that is coming together,
Going here and there on our cheeks,
For your leaving, farewell we say.

For the stories that we have heard together,
And for the tears of sorrow which filled our
Hearts, for your leaving, farewell we say.

For all the beautiful moments
We have spent together
This poem I dedicated to you
Whole heartedly I say farewell to you
...."Sai wata rana" WE SAY.